Monday, January 10, 2011

¡Vamos montar a caballo!

Each week my school organizes an all-school outing. Last Saturday we had the opportunity to go horseback riding and visit a nearby Ch'orti' community. Andre, Lizon, Veronica and I met at school a las 8 por la mañana and were met by a nice gentleman on horseback named Alberto. He led us to our horses, and we began our journey! We rode for about an hour along the road leading out of town.

We passed by fields of coffee plants as well as fields of frijoles rojos. The ride was gorgeous and it was a beautiful day out! Good thing we had our hats and sunblock though; the sun beat down on us relentlessly (though who am I kidding...I rather enjoyed el sol and said beating!).

The four of us enjoyed walking, trotting and galloping. It was quite exciting (even if we walked a little bow-legged in the hours following!).

We also really enjoyed spending some time with the children of the community we visited. Andre is a wonderful magician and kept them (and Veronica, Lizon and me) entertained. We played duck duck goose and kicked the soccer ball around for awhile as well.

Thanks, Kike and Alberto for a great adventure! Here are some additional photos:

Mosquito bite count: 7

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